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Independent Voice

DA to Review Mayor Bird’s Case

Nov 09, 2023 01:47PM ● By MPG Staff

Dixon Mayor Steve Bird. Courtesy photo

DIXON, CA (MPG) - The incident involving a hit and run by Mayor Steve Bird that was referred to the Solano County District Attorney’s Office from Solano CHP has been confirmed received. 

It is possible that upon review of the case, a prosecutor may decide to not file charges even if he or she believes that the accused did the crime because the prosecutor thinks that a trial will not result in a conviction, according to online legal sources. 

In a recent Dixon Police Department Significant Activity Report, there was a post of a hit and run report taken on September 27 at 2021 (or 8:21 p.m.) in the 200 block of North Jefferson Street. The Solano CHP reported an incident at the same time in the same place with Dixon’s mayor, Steven C. Bird.

Upon this paper’s request, Public Information Officer Jason Tyhurst released the following statement: “On September 27, 2023, the California Highway Patrol Solano Area responded to investigate a hit and run traffic crash which occurred near 220 North Jefferson Street, in Dixon. The subsequent investigation revealed Mr. Steven Bird, 64 years old, of Dixon, had backed his vehicle into a parked vehicle, causing damage to the parked vehicle. Mr. Bird subsequently left the scene and failed to attempt to locate and notify the owner of the damaged vehicle. A crash investigation was completed and forwarded to the Solano County District Attorney’s Office with recommended charges of 20002(A)VC, Misdemeanor Hit-and-Run. No physical arrest was made.” 

A call was made to Mayor Bird but has not yet been returned. Bird is a retired police captain for the Dixon Police Department and currently a part-time deputy sheriff for Solano County. His information on the City’s website says he holds a BA in Police Management.

Summary of the Law
To comply with this section of the law,  California Vehicle Code Section 20002(a), if a person is involved in an accident that causes another person to suffer property damage to do the following: Stop in a safe location; Locate the owner of the other vehicle or person who suffered property damage; Present the other party with your driver’s license, registration card, and other identifying information; and, in the event that the property owner is not present, you should leave a notice in a visible place with your information.

If one does not comply with the law, one can be charged with misdemeanor hit and run in violation of California Vehicle Code 20002(a).

Possible Penalties
A conviction for misdemeanor hit and run causing property damage(s) carries up to 6 months in the county jail and a fine up to $1,000.  Depending upon your prior criminal history, the court normally imposes a period of probation for three years and requires you to complete community service or labor.  

A conviction also carries two points on your DMV record causing one’s insurance to increase.  The court will additionally order one to pay restitution to the other party for the damages if he or she was the cause of the accident. The court is free to add or reduce any penalties depending on the facts and circumstances of the case.

As more information becomes available, it will be published.